Years ago me and my brother saw these on Israeli daytime TV, hence not sure whether it’s an actual film, a made-for-TV movie or series. In the scene, a blonde young man, speaking in what sounded like a pseudo-Russian/Polish gibberish is trying to make friends at a party in, presumably, America (we’re native Russian speakers so to us his lines seemed particularly ridiculous). For example, he compliments a girl with the following: “O, stroynaya babonya!” (Babunya being Polish for “grandma”, “bAba” – rude Russian for female, and “stroynaya” – slim/well-built).
Next, they start dancing, the character pulls the girl too close, she retracts and he expresses his anger by yelling: “KRAPKA POSHNYASTA!.. You’re not a real rock-n-roll girl!”
Now, krapka is Polish/Ukrainian for period/dot, poshnyasta sounds like an invented cursing adjective, and the rest of it – well, that’s what makes us wonder years later, what was the source of this craziness. Any leads appreciated.