Category Archives: I Don’t Know the Name… (unsolved movies)

Trap House?

I believe I saw this movie playing on TV in the early 90s. I only remember one scene, a guy and a girl, they go to a house, I’m not sure why, but they go intentionally. At one point they get trapped in different adjacent rooms and one of them fills with water, can’t remember if its the guy or the girls, but this person rips part of their shirt off to try to use it to block water coming from the pipe but it doesn’t work. The interior of this room is black brick I think. Film is in color. Possibly horror, or thriller.

About a man who rose from the dead and takes revenge on his killers, but it’s not The Crow

Please help me find the title of the film. Didn’t watch it myself. I’m looking for it based on someone else’s description. I don’t know exactly what country it’s from. It might be from the West.
It’s a horror/slasher. It was filmed before 2000.
The plot is as follows:
A guy and a girl love each other, and then one of their mutual friends (apparently with the assistance of some other people) meanly kills the guy. His girlfriend can’t come to terms with this and goes to a witch to revive the guy’s corpse so that he can take revenge on those who had killed him. When he comes back to life, he looks scary, with gray hair and a scary face. Throughout the film, he finds and kills everyone involved one by one. At the end, he finds the main one who was involved in his death when he was relaxing in a pool. He chases him for a long time, but finally catches up with him and kills him.
This is not The Crow or Zombie Nightmare

comedy, involves Russian Roulette and one of the antagonists turns out to be a man disguised as a woman

This one has been driving me crazy lately and apologize that I don’t have much to go on.

This is movie that I used to catch on cable TV, I never saw the whole thing, and always happened to catch the end of it. I believe this was in the mid to late 1980s, maybe early 90s. It was definitely on one of the pay channels because of the nudity (see below).

I don’t remember anything about the plot or the names of any of the actors. Here is what I do remember:

  • It featured a group of guys who were on a vehicle of some sort. I seem to remember them being inside something that could have been military or military surplus. Possibly a large bomber, or a ship. I am leaning towards some form of aircraft.
  • It was not a serious movie, more of a comedy or light drama.
  • In one scene a character makes a decision to do something (I forget what) by playing Russian Roulette. He reveals to the main character that he had five bullets in the revolver. The character who did this is played by I guy I swear I have seen as a minor character in a lot of other movies in the 1980s. He is/was kind of like the poor man’s Ernest Borgnine but with higher and softer voice. I also believe he had white or very light blond hair.
  • I don’t remember what the main character looked like, just a vague impression of a Kurt Russel type person. But I don’t think it was him.
  • In the same scene they are also watching footage of a screen that shows a man dressed in women’s clothing putting on makeup, but he is not fully dressed, making it very obvious he is a man. The group of protagonists are watching this and laughing. I think part of the plot was that “the president” was a man disguised as a woman, but I don’t know if this was the President of the United States, of something else, or I am misremembering.

In this movie (TV show episode) from the 80s/90s, an alien takes over a crew member of a spaceship.

Comrades, I’m looking for a movie that an acquaitance of mine is looking for. This person is always looking for movies that somehow almost no one has seen. So I’ll be very surprised if it’s found. But it won’t hurt to try. The description is as follows:

One of the crew members gets possessed by an alien who was studying earthlings or something like that. On the inside of the ship the host creates some kind of cocoon for himself and climbs into it. The alien’s intentions seem to be non-hostile. The communication with the rest of the crew seems to be telepathic (but he is not 100% sure of this). Then the alien ship arrives and takes its fellow right through the wall of the earthlings ship. How this happens is unclear, but there is no depressurization. There is only the glow of the cocoon, which acted as an airlock between the ships. It also seems that there were some problems with electricity on the earthling ship: the scenes with the cocoon were in the semi-darkness.

About some demonic shapeshifting killer

I  know  only three scenes from the movie
1) a young woman was walking with her child on the street or in a park and started drinking water from a drinking fountain (or some tap) and then a bald killer came up to her from behind, grabbed her by the head and stabbed her in the throat with a small knife (maybe a penknife)
2) This bald killer is in a solitary confinement cell in a prison (less likely, in an asylum). He blocked the keyhole of the lock with something and got a razor from somewhere and cut his throat. Apparently, the guards (or orderlies) noticed in time that he was about to do something wrong and tried to open the door to stop him, but they couldn’t (because he had stuffed something into the keyhole)
3) Some other character of the movie and this bald killer are walking parallel to each other in the crowd and looking at each other, and this killer was changing his appearance, that is, his face, to different others.
And that’s it.
I don’t know exactly what country the film was shot in. But I think it’s from America or another Western country. Presumably it was made in the 80s or 90s.
It’s obviously very little known. My friend has been looking for it for at least four years. But hope dies last. Maybe he’ll get lucky here.

He says it’s not “Fallen,” “Shocker,” “Almost Blue.” It’s also not “First Power,” “Prison” with Viggo Mortensen, or “Beyond Bedlam.”

Movie opens with a girl’s suicide

I’m pretty sure it was a movie, but the opening scene is a teenaged (?) girl who places a clear plastic bag over her head and duct tapes it closed around her neck.  She then zip ties her hands behind her back.  As her body convulses, she falls to the floor.  It freaked me out so much I closed the window.  I may have seen it about a year or two ago … maybe on Netflix?  Not sure if it was a movie, or something like Black Mirror or Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities.

i remember this movie? idk what title

There was this one movie I watched as a kid which I think started with a scene with these 2 kids, or teens, a girl, and a boy, who were walking along a dock and the girl broke through the dock near the edge of this water body, i think it was a lake. She screamed for the boy to get help, and when he ran to get help, I think he got hit by a car at the end of the scene, i think it was the first scene in the movie or show. From my memory, the scene was in colour and looked to be released during the late 2000s or early 2010s.

Old kind of funny movie only Black man on the island

So….I want to find this movie its an old English film but I don’t know the name or any actor or actress name…in the movie there’s a small island , a village and there is a black man I think the character name was timmy and he was the only black man in the small village/island i guess and there’s a white woman with a little girl…other name I could remember from this I think Collin marina or katarina something like that and there’s also an old rich man who had a deal with Japanese and announced during a cheerful ceremony in church that he wanted to use the land for tourism and everyone should sale their pieces of property

And in a church there was an old man who played guitar emm in a rocking way…

The black man is an mc and he’s like a fun character…he tells the little girl he knows kung-fu/martial arts and when there’s a fight he tries to mimic some


I only remember this much…I tried asking on reddit but no result

a k-drama about a girl running away from home (around 2015-2019)

hi! i’ve been looking for this movie for a long time already and have no idea what it is.

so, it’s a k-drama, and as far as i remember and if my memory isn’t messing with me (because i just found a k-drama with an identical name (Who Are You: School) that aired in 2015 as well, and i watched it years ago as well but it wasn’t what i was looking for), it was called “school” and i remember the release date being 2015 or 2019.

i have a few scenes i remember: first is a girl running away from home with a backpack near the condominium building she lived in (i remember some more details like her mother screaming at her out of the window and the girl’s things falling out of her backpack but i don’t know if these were in the movie). next scene is the girl coming to a house, probably of her family (sister or something), and the sister is hanging the laundry in the backyard. the ending scene is the girl silently looking into a window as she sits in a bus.

i would appreciate any help. thanks!

That one movie where they went down the stairs oddly

I watched this movie 15 or more years ago.  It was in color, and in English.  The one scene that sticks in my head is when the male and female character are coming down the stairs.  They did a whole choreographed series of maneuvers, stepping up and back, left and right, stepping in different directions, sometimes side-by-side, sometimes not.  I think (not very sure) that the film may have had a single-word title, and it might have been a made-up/nonsense/fantastical word.  It’s definitely a B-movie (maybe C or D?) like something Troma might have done, but it wasn’t a Troma flick.  It was a weird movie, not sure what actual genre it belonged in.  Sorry that’s all I can remember, but I have been wracking my brain for a couple of years now, and I just found this site.

Kid enters a door and is taken to another world

I am in a desperate search for this movie . I have been looking for many many many years , even chat GPT couldn’t help me . No one seems to know anything about this movie . Here is the description the best i can .

I have posted this almost everywhere , no answer .

I watched it somewhere in 2011 – 2012 , a kid entered a door and he was taken to a different parallel universe of sorts ,where he was captured by some kids his age that lived in a jungle in a small castle thing , they later became his friends and the real enemies were the government who caught those kids and put them in a machine and turned them into grown men to fight for the government . ( sort of like in the avengers where captain America was transformed into a muscular man only they were transformed into grown men from children ) The government also had an arena where they put enemies there like the children , and they had to fight this huge metal circle ball robot with tentacles . Later in the movie the protagonist ( the kid ) finds the control room of the robot and destroys their arena or their city i think . In the end he returns to the real world and his mom finds him, and cries because nobody believes him in what happened . I also remember a phoenix type bird in the movie living on a hill with eggs , the kid helped bring an egg back to its nest because it fell .

some FACTS.
1 ) I do not remember what language the movie was in i am assuming English .
2 ) I do not remember any actors
3 ) This was not an anime , cartoon or anything like that .

Forever grateful to whoever helps me locate this nostalgic gem.


It’s not Narnia or Maze runner or City of ember

Old movie from the 30s or 40s about these three little kids who had three ants that three aunts who were fearsome


I’m not sure if this movie was called. I remember Mamma. I looked up the plot and it didn’t seem to be this movie but I remember these three little kids that lived either with an uncle who looked after them. Anyway, they had these three aunts these kids do not like. They had the uncle who always had an angry look on his face. I remember seeing where he asked the three kids if they were afraid of him and they said Yes. Then he screamed at them and said but why? Then he looked at them and asked do you like the aunts? They said no, and they gave whatever reason it was. His facial expression was priceless because it looked like he was gonna explode on them and they were scared. But then he burst out laughing and tell the kids they were correct that it was all true. They ended up building a strong bond with this uncle and they grew fond of him and he grew fond of them. Does anybody remember this movie?

Through this door into a parallel universe.

I’m trying to find a little known sci-fi movie I streamed quite a few years ago. It’s in color, in American English and had no actors who were well-known (at least not to me). From the quality of the picture, it was probably made the last 30 years or so.

When the main character goes through certain doors he keeps getting transported to an alternate universe/parallel reality which is very similar but still substantially different. He’s trying to get back to his original one.

There was a blonde, who was a love interest later in the movie (the actress who played her was a female wrestler in real life). The guy’s wife or original girlfriend somehow shows up, opens the door and throws the blonde through the door and, when they reopen the door, of course she’s gone.
It seems the guy may have had a daughter with him during the early part of the movie. I’m not sure of that, though; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it.
Ring any bells?

Christmas Carol

As we know, there have been many, many Christmas Carol adaptations based on one of Charles Dickens’s novels: both movies, shows, and shorts for years.

However, there is one Christmas Carol I’ve been trying to look for. It’s a cartoon and in one scene, I remember the Ghost of Christmas Present momentarily appearing and looking a lot like Santa Claus during a song.

If anyone knows which version is it, please let me know as soon as possible.