It was part of a black and white sci-fi anthology series but I can’t find it again?
I thought it was either The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits but I can’t find it in any episode guide *headdesk* (it might still be either of those, I just can’t find it in any episode guide but I will keep searching)
All I can remember is a mission to the moon, no communications back at Earth base, and then something about a giant cat or rat or mouse and I think maybe they were going to use the rocket to kill whatever the giant animal was?
Any help finding this again would be great, I really enjoyed the episodes I did watch and would love to watch more (once I know the name of the series)?
That is a Night Gallery episode. I will have to look up the title.
It is not black and white but this has to be it.
Thank you! \o/
No wonder I couldn’t find it *LOL* I was so sure it was black and white 😉
You can go ahead and mark as solved 😀
Marking “Solved.” Thanks Will!