I only remember a few details from that movie and another one that appears to be its sequel somehow. They’re old, in color, and American movies too.
First movie:
1)What is the name of that movie where a VHS literally awakens zombies?
2)Which year was it made?
3)Very Important Detail: At which TIME INTERVAL does that scene with the VHS waking the dead take place?
Second movie:
1)What is the name of that movie where a guy uses a chainsaw to kill zombies?
2)Which year was it made?
3)Second Very Important Detail: At which TIME INTERVAL does that scene with the chainsaw to kill the dead take place?
PS: Be sure to take the time to carefully read all questions and review all answers before replying, please?
The Video Dead (1987) enter our world through a cursed TV set (@00:05:00), but there is no VHS player or cassette involved. The TV plays only one movie – Zombie Blood Nightmare – even when unplugged. One of the zombies is memorably killed with a chainsaw (@00:59:41). But there has never been a sequel.
No, sorry. That’s not the one I’m looking for. Thanks for trying though.
Demons and demons 2 had a plot where watching a movie about zombies would turn the viewers into zombies.
Nope, sorry. That’s not it either. Thanks for trying though.
You’re describing the V/H/S horror anthology series.
V/H/S (2012)
The zombie is in the frame narrative so it would be at the very end of the film where he awakens.
V/H/S/2 (2013)
The zombies appear in the third segment “A Ride in the Park”
Nope, sorry. Not this one either. Having seen a DuckTales 2017 episode called The Golden Spear, it seems to reference a zombies movie and its sequel concerning putting on a VHS cassette in a VCR which awakens the dead and later somebody uses a chainsaw against them. Thanks for trying though.
I looked up that episode of Ducktales and found that it spoofed. “Army of Darkness” (1992). The character of Ash uses a chainsaw against zombies in this 3rd movie of the Evil Dead series but also uses it in Evil Dead II (1987). The 1st movie in the trilogy, Evil Dead (1981) has the dead being raised from them playing an audio cassette and reading from the book of the dead.
Did you see those Evil Dead movies? If so, would you happen to know the time intervals in both the movies and the episode where the scenes concerning the dead awakening and the chainsaw stuff take place and match each other? Take your time. I’m in no hurry.
Solved on Youtube instead
@ Livinghead Let me rephrase that.
1) Do you know at which time interval(s) of the first movie does the playing audio cassette and reading a book of the dead and zombies being raised scene(s) take place?
2) Do you know at which time interval(s) of the second movie does the chainsaw scene(s) take place? Same for the 3rd movie?
3) Once you have answered those questions, I might have received full confirmation and later after that, I will maybe have marked “Solved” and be done with it, so please, let me know as soon as possible. It’s important for something I’m working on.
You say it was solved on YouTube, what movies were they?
The Evil Dead trilogy, of course
Marking “solved,” but Livinghead would like to know the answers.
The Evil Dead trilogy, of course
The answer was the same one that I gave, so do I get the solve?
Yes, you get it. Solved.
Please help me with this when u can
OK, I’ll credit you.