i remember watching it a while back, somewhere between 90’s and 2010’s? it was in Canada or Alaska, I think it was some sort of team driving contest over a few weeks and there was overnight camping, they were driving trucks or off road vehicles, each week I think someone got eliminated, or one vehicle dropped out?
I want to find it again, so any help would be great! suggest anything that might vaguely sound like it, I’ll check them all out to find this again 🙂
You can mark this as solved finally (thank goodness)
After many fruitless google searches I came across it purely by accident and was so happy to finally have a name for the series \o/
Alaska Off-Road Warriors
Glad you found it!
Oh man, I was way off *LOLs* I was so sure it was Canadian, turned out to be Alaskan 😉
So happy to find it tho, been looking for it for years 😀