short sci-fi movie space station, simulation of aliens attack, a girl soldier hack a code and destroy station

Hello to all movie lovers!
I saw this movie 15 years ago.
Although the film may be older for example from the nineties.
I only remember one scene:
“A group of space marines wake up on the space station. Great hall, computer in the center.
It seems to them that they are being attacked by aliens.
They are scared.
Among them was a hacker girl. She hacks into the computer and launches the station’s self-destruct mechanism.
This is where the simulation ends. The doors open and their generals appears.
As it turned out, it was a military exercise!
But the timer is running, there are seconds left before the explosion … ”

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

6 thoughts on “short sci-fi movie space station, simulation of aliens attack, a girl soldier hack a code and destroy station

    1. Thank you very much!
      I thought I’d never find the name of this movie.
      May i donate you 10$ via paypal?


      1. That’s very kind of you, but there’s no need to pay. I’m just glad I was able to help you find it. 🙂

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