According to IMDb trivia, the scene from Disney’s Home on the Range featuring Buck the horse fighting bandits in slow-motion in his dream is a spoof/reference to the Matrix movie, true or not, I dunno.
I tried searching on YouTube, but all I get is just the infamous slow-motion bullet dodging scene from Matrix instead, no slow-motion fighting.
If anybody’s a big Matrix fan and knows at exactly which time interval does the slow-motion fighting scene (No bullet dodging included) occur (and if there is one), please let me know as soon as possible.
P.S.: IMDb may sometimes prove to be wrong with info meaning that I might’ve been misled, so, be sure to let me know if, whether or not, their trivia info is wrong perhaps too.
I found it, but I don’t know if it’s the scenario you’re talking about.
I’m sorry, but while it’s true that this is the scene from Home on the Range I was talking about concerning Buck fighting in slow-motion at one point, I was actually referring to and asking for the one scene from Matrix which involves fighting in slow-motion (no bullet dodging involved) which I can’t find on YouTube.
Thanks for trying though and good luck finding the scene from Matrix I’m referring to if possible and if it even exists.
Remember, slow-motion fighting in Matrix, not slow-motion bullet dodging in Matrix.
Whoops my bad. I misunderstood what you meant. I guess I saw Home On The Range Buck Fighthing and thought that’s what you were talking about. Just to be clear, you’re talking about the Original Matrix film right?
It’s in the first five minutes of the film:
Also spoofed in Shrek:
I’m curious to know why you want specific time intervals of scenes, Olivier. How does that help you?