All posts by shredder

love and marriage?

Hi , I wondered if you can all help me again to find a movie . i watched it roughly 20-25 years ago late at night on english telly can’t remember much about it apart from young couple get together and its their story i think . the only thing that stands out is something to do with the doctors receptionist . the husband/ boyfriend always sees her as some sort of shouting heavily made up pyshco with the camera really zooming in on her face and talking like the devil in exocist – i know it aint much- sorry

thanks for your time and any responce

not a movie – more a longish music cartoon

i dont know if this is against the rules as i know it aint a movie . i saw a cartoon late 70s or early 80s about animals listening to acoustic music being played in a field or mountain all quiet and hippy like then slowly more musicians turn up and join in going from acoustic to electric then towers of speakers all get added and slowly the animals all clear off – any ideas ? any help much appreciated

like a twilight zone movie but not

hi . the film i am trying to recall was on telly about 22 years ago late at night possible shown on saturday and introduced by a puppet ( maybe ) with a cartoon and a short bizarre film as well . i cant remember if it was a silent film as in no talking but it seemed like the same bloke was in 3 stories at the same time moving from one to another then back just by turning a street corner or something like going through a door . i can remember being highly confused at the time and the only thing i can definitly remember is the very end that he falls or jumps out a moving yellow taxi – picks himself up , brushes himself down and goes into his work place as though nothing had happened – any help much apprieciated – sorry if this is a double post i dont know what i’m doing