I am looking for a specific scene and commercial featured in the Elastic Reality Promotion video:
Specifically thee old lady in flames at 0:52 and the punk to prisoner morph at 2:28 onward.
I am looking for a specific scene and commercial featured in the Elastic Reality Promotion video:
Specifically thee old lady in flames at 0:52 and the punk to prisoner morph at 2:28 onward.
There is a song by Michael Heart titled ‘Halloween’ and I don’t know what horror movie it is from, but the dialogue suggests it takes place at a school called Vernon Academy.
The link to the track is here:
I used to have a cd rom on PC, windows 98/windows XP/Windows 10, about mythology and folklore that used different places of classical music to represent countries of the world and In The Hall of the King was used for Scandanavia.
I was looking at Grief’s ‘body horror iceberg’ video and one of the entries is a weird overweight anthropomorphic pig in his underwear dancing and I don’t know what the name of the cartoon is.
I don’t know what the name of this commercial was but I remember it was a Nosferatu parody in black and white and the vampire comes up to a woman in bed and says ‘Spice Girls, number 1. Monster hit.’
I am looking for a horror or suspenseful video game, early to late 2000’s, Playstation 2…I saw an advert for it in a magazine and the advert showed a teddy bear turning demonic.
I definitely think this movie was a Full Moon/Empire feature and I remember seeing a scene from the movie on Deviantart, basically there was deadite-esque demon transforming inot a beautiful woman in a black outfit, like a silver colored bikini/swimsuit, I cannot rememember the title.
The actress I cannot remember the name of but she looks like the model/actress on the cover of Prehistoric Bimbos. I remember there was a gym scene.
There is an episode of Wicked Science…or at least I think it is that show I can’t remember the name of but it’s the one where one of the male characters find himself growing fur and turning into a werewolf or dog-creature.
This movie must have been an Empire/Full Moon feature but I remember seeing a scene from it on Deviantart in which a deadite-esque demon turns into a blonde model in a black outfit, I definitely think it was a bikini or swimsuit, I don’t remember the movie’s title but it was on Youtube.
Looking for an 80’s movie where this one quote/scene is from, basically it has two characters and one is Mister/Doctor Fhurafurr (I think that’s how the name is spelled) and that character is telling him to pronounce that name. It sounds like it’s from Fletch, I could be wrong.
An episode of Tiny Toon Adventures where Plucky finds himself transforming into Buster and splitting up into a bunch of mini-clones of Babs and Buster.
this is a gmtv/citv advert compilation and i remember there being a commercial for pontins that had a version of the mousse t song horny.
This is a movie that was featured in ‘In Search of Darkness part II’ and it’s a horror movie where the villain from Dune, the 1984 version…or rather the actor who played that villain, who plays a man who is obsessed with his chainsaw.
This movie may have been an 1990’s or 2000’s era Disney Channel movie about a child that is trying to help their parents but their parents are stuck in a stone wall, it may have been a fantasy movie or a dark comedy.
a nickelodeon uk short that is animated and features two children battling their own crazy under the bed monsters against each-other.
i’m looking for the movie that is featured in this episode, it is an alien movie and the aliens look like they are animatronics or puppets and i’m thinking the chiodo brothers made them. the aliens are 4:55 and one looks like an alien goldfish.
I am having trouble remembering this one Youtube channel, it it’s either Girogioux or G1orgioux-something, but I know that he did a reading of a fanfic he did that was the weird sesame street fic that had either Burt eating a pigeon or killing a pigeon and eating it and making it into a pie and there was a video to go with it that was Bert during the pigeon dance. I just remember the fic in question having quite a bit of profanity.
I am looking for an 1990’s interview with Robin Williams where Robin says his absolute worst fear is losing his mind.
This is a Youtube review channel that talks about weird/horror themed toys and the reviewer has a squeaky toy rat and in one episode they talked about a Ratfink statue that was green.
I don’t know if anyone remembers this game but it used to be on sites like Playpink.com and it was a cooking game where you ran a fast food restaurant in space and you had to serve food to customers who were aliens, I remember the protagonist in the game was this anime looking girl with blue or pinkish or purple hair and she’d help you with the orders. I remember that the toy you gave away with the meal looked like a gummy bear and that there were different machines for drinks and also you could update the machines. And there was a final level where you had to cook for the empress.