Movie took place on a tropical island. The girl is kept in a shed she puts a bucket over the door, a bad guy gets it stuck on his head. then they have a Jeep and are trying to get away and they hit tree. The love interests end up at a native village where they spend the night in a hut ment for newlyweds
All posts by john
Need Help
I received a quick answer to another question that I posted a while ago so I thought I would press my luck. I am trying to identify a film / tv episode that I saw many years ago. I believe I saw it back in 1984 /1985. I think it was in color and probably was filmed in the early to mid 1980’s. It was about two children that somehow came into possession of a dollhouse. The dollhouse somehow had the ability to incapacitate the parents of the children. I don’t recall if it froze the parents or if they just didn’t care what the kids did anymore. In the beginning the kids were enjoying their freedom but by the end they realized that they needed guidance and supervision. The kids burned the dollhouse and the parents returned to normal. I saw this in school during one of my classes so it probably was an episode of a tv show and not a full length movie. Any help that you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Low low budget post apocalyptic western
This was really low budget, no recognizable stars. Post apocalyptic western. Made within the last ten years. Man wakes up and rushes to his house and realizes raiders have taken something dear to him. We learn later it was his young daughter that was taken. He leaves through the main gate of this protected community on his own to find the gang in the wasteland. He’s imprisoned at an outpost but escapes and leaves with a gun. He gets help from an unlikely source in the final confrontation and rescues his young daughter in the big reveal.
Low Budget 2000’s Kids Movie
Saw this movie on HBO one morning around 2005. That had to be around the time when this was made couldn’t be too much older.
Theres a kid I’d guess around age 10 who lives with his mother wanna say they just moved there into either a town house or apartment.
He finds a map. I think it’s a treasure map.
The bad guy is either dating the mom or I feel like he worked for the apartments as the handy man.
The kid and his friends go following the map. They’re in a desert like place I’d guess Arizona or somewhere like that. The bad guy is after them.
Been searching for this for years and years. Not the Goonies. Lol
Sincerely appreciate any leads would mean a lot to me and buddy who have been puzzled for over a decade searching. Thank you.
help to find an old animation
its an animation which shows a bell ring alarm clock and a boy wake up at 7 o’clock and wear a green jacket and red hat and solute to a paint that contains a captain
Krupka the Magnificent!
I am trying to find out more information about a show that I must have seen sometime in the mid to late 70’s (possibly early 80’s). I am positive that it was called “Krupka the Magnificent!” as there was a young character who kept jumping around yelling it. I don’t remember anything more about the plot or action than that. The show was in color and the language was English. I have looked for more information about this show for years with no luck. It may have been an after-school special type of program. Sorry I can’t give any more than that. Thanks!
Character with anger issues
Looking for a film that has the main character suffering from anger issues, and stops taking his medicine for it, and gets worse and worse. He has a wife that also happens to cheat on him with a friend I think, or it’s just a random guy. Anyway he ends up doing something bad, I can’t remember much. However his wife gets kidnapped. The film ends with him killing the guy she was having an affair with, and then him putting her taped up in the back of his truck and driving off.
French black and white, talking about adult stuff
It is black and white and in French; the woman and man are in bed in what looked like an upstairs, maybe attic like room. He asks her if she prefers “wine or man juice” and she says man juice and I distinctly remember her using the phrase “ton sperm”. I would suppose it was early 80s.
Movie where characters have to cross a river that have heads as stepping stones
Characters must cross a river of dead people. One character stares down at his reflection and sees a dead man. Both characters must cross a river of heads as stepping stones. I cannot remember the name or any other plot elements! PLEASE HELP!
[ Also Im pretty sure the character who was stepping on the heads was a girl and to be clear there were only about 10 heads that were perfectly lined up across to get to the other side of the river. The other character was a guy who looked in the river and saw a dead guy float up. I was thinking this movie could be a version of Alice and wonderland or one of the never-ending story movies, but I don’t think so.]Man robs his place of work .
I have been trying to remember the name of a movie but can’t. I was hopeing you might recognize it. It’s in english but might be a foreign films. I watched it on TV about 20 to 30 years ago.
The plot was about a man whose wife and boss treat him badly but he still loves his wife. He comes up with a plan to rob the place he works so he can start a better life. His plan is to make it look like he was abducted and replaced by someone wearing a mask pretending to be him and commit the robbery. His other identity had a limp and walked with a cane and was more aggressive. By the end of the movie his planned worked and he got the money. The police found him tied up along with a mask of his and other thing to make it look like he was kidnaped and someone took his place. While it was him the whole time. But his wife had fallen in love with him in his other identity. She shots him in the leg to try and get him to leave in hopes the other him will come back. So he resumes the other persona now with a real leap and runs away with his own wife.
Man kills kids in a house, puts them on crosses and puts himself on one
I remember a very long time ago seeing a scene in a movie where a guy is in a house with some kids, and he kills them. Don’t know if he is the father but I remember he drowns a girl in the toilet, and a boy tries to fight back with a bucket I think. The boy dies and someone else gets killed as well. He hangs them up on crosses in a shed/shack looking place and ends up putting himself on a cross as well. Help arrives only to see the bodies. That’s all I remember.