Two Movie: I remember this movie with a man who had this device or machine that works with a satellite that can pick up alien sounds, it’s like the whole movie is based upon picking up alien sounds and I can remember there’s a boy always with him watching what hes doing. [SOLVED: The Arrival]
Second One: A man went on a large field and he saw a space or alien thing and he touched it and something either bite him or crawl into his skin and turned him in a monster-plant looking thing that made his hand look funny, boneless and lanky,there’s a scene in it where he put his wife on a bed in a white dress and when she found out that he turned into this thing she wanted to accept him like that but he didn’t agree because he’s not the same.
first one could be “The Arrival”.
Thanks, that’s it 🙂
1/2 Solved.
Pretty sure the second movie is “Slither”?
River Song, thanks very much, that’s it, thought I wouldn’t find it 🙂
Happy to help, it’s one of my favourite movies and I just watched it again recently so it was still fresh in my mind 😀
2/2 Solved!