Movie opens with a white girl and native american boy as friends and children at a tribal party and the elder gives her an Indian name of her own…
Later we find out her mother is the town drunken whore and she hates her life… They are teenagers and henis clearly in love with her but she falls for the High school heart throb who jas sex with her then treats her badly…
Later while eying her, he rushes a hotel room with gun where her boyfriend is forcing her to have sex with his friends…
We find them at a bus stop where she is running away leaving him there… She becomes a famous movie star… years later in life she comes home in seclusion to die out of public eye… we learn that after she boards the bus and leaves, the boyfriend kills the native ameeican boy and hides his body in the woods…
Now & Forever (2002)
That is correct, thanks!!!
You’re welcome!