Weird Exercise Alternate Universe Movie

I saw this movie when I was really young, like, I’m gonna say between the ages of 5-6 (2004-2005), and the movie was most likely on a VHS tape that my mother rented from the library because that’s literally all my parents did for movies when I was little. It was in color, and I wanna say Whoopi Goldberg was in it, but again, I was young, and I can’t find anything on Whoopi’s IMDb page that might be the right movie, so it probably wasn’t her. Anyways.

I think the premise was there were 3 (maybe 2?) kids, one who was a young boy (maybe 7-9 in age) and he somehow communicated with this lady through a TV and somehow the kid, his older brother, and some random girl have to go to this alternate world that I’m gonna assume is somehow in the TV.

The one scene I remember from this movie is a basically never-ending road with identical, white houses all up and down it. At the same time every day all of the kids would come out of the houses and start exercising. The girls were dressed in pink sweatshirts and sweatpants and jumped rope, while the boys were dressed in blue sweatpants and sweatshirts and shot basketballs through hoops. All the kids were in sync and did the exact same thing, and this black car drove up and down the road to make sure the kids were abiding by the rules (as in, doing whatever exercise they were supposed to based on gender). There was one boy who starts throwing his basketball at the garage door of his house, and he gets taken in the black car to some place that I guess was to brainwash him into abiding by the rules… And that’s all I remember.

5 thoughts on “Weird Exercise Alternate Universe Movie

      1. (Original poster here) THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been bothering me for years, oh my goodness, thank you thank you thank you!!!

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