While staying in a hotel in Sulpher Springs, TX, on September 24-25, 2016, I watched several movies on some classic movie station (I don’t think it was TCM). Here are the movies I remember watching: “Fail Safe” with Larry Hagman, then a bit later “Gentleman Jim” with Errol Flynn, then a late that night / early next morning, there was this weird movie that seemed almost porn-ish but not explicit. I don’t remember anything about what was happening except that it seemed like some kind of alien something or other it has some strange musical interludes I believe it was a 70s or maybe 60s movie
i know his isn’t much but maybe someone can find something based on the date and location.
Cinderella 2000 (1977)?
The Apple? The description on imdb doesn’t sound alien like but if you watch the movie it’s set in a kind of alien future where everyone is marked or something. I don’t remember exactly how. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080380/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BY9cvgrP1c