I Need To Remember A Movie That Have.
Teenagers (A Boy And A Girl, Could Be More) Go Against The Law,
May Have Killed,
The Police Got A Picture Of The Girl Holding A Rose In Her Mouse, And Faked A New One, Switching The Rose For A Cigarette.
At The End, Their Car Gets Ambushed And Killed By The Police.
Estimated Release Year Of The Movie Is Between ( 1995 – 2005 ).
Thank You.
Sounds like Bonnie and Clyde. Okay, not the 1967 version, so maybe Bonnie and Clyde the True Story (1992).
Here is a YouTube link to the 1992 version. The reason it sounds like Bonnie and Clyde because the famous photo with Bonnie with cigar in her mouth. There is no rose in the 1967 version, but maybe this version has it.
It has it. Around the 44.05 point.
Bonnie and Clyde, That Is.
Thank You, Will Edelman.
Solved, thanks Will!