I Am Trying To Remember A Movie Which Has :-
Zombies In A Similar Dimension,
Speakings About Nuclear Bombs The Size Of A briefcase.
Year Of Release Is Mostly 199x.
I Am Trying To Remember A Movie Which Has :-
Zombies In A Similar Dimension,
Speakings About Nuclear Bombs The Size Of A briefcase.
Year Of Release Is Mostly 199x.
I Am Trying To Remember A Movie Which Has :-
A Girl Chopped To Pieces And Put In A Fridge,
A Boy deliberately Falls In A Well Of Blood.
Year Of Release is Between 199x And 200x.
I Need To Remember A Movie That Have.
Teenagers (A Boy And A Girl, Could Be More) Go Against The Law,
May Have Killed,
The Police Got A Picture Of The Girl Holding A Rose In Her Mouse, And Faked A New One, Switching The Rose For A Cigarette.
At The End, Their Car Gets Ambushed And Killed By The Police.
Estimated Release Year Of The Movie Is Between ( 1995 – 2005 ).
Thank You.
I Wish To Know The Name Of A Movie That Has,
A Divorced Woman That Put Her Hand On Her New Husband’s Leg In A Car With Here Son From Her Ex-Husband Watching.
I’m looking for a movie that’s end the villain recalls the letters D E A T H.
in the movie girls are trapped in a house and running from the villain.
I am looking for a movie that has a robot that asks for a bank account and gets it.
in a scene he reads a book in a few moments.
I’m looking for an old DOOM movie.
i knew of it through a YouTube video, the video was talking about DOOM games and movies, it said something about the 198x release, and brought an old footage of a monster like Half-life nilhanth.
I’m looking for a movie that has Sandahl Bergman and robert de niro.
in it they steal an antique from a museum, robert de niro trick the other partners and take the antique for himself.
I’m looking for a movie that has angelina jolie.
she and her friends are 30+ junkie women.
in a scene she finds her friend hanged her self with drugs in her hands, she just takes the drugs of her hands.
I’m looking for a movie, it’s family comedy one.
in a scene the hero and his friend are in a van, they want to go, the her says check then look at the door mirrors and again he says double check look at the door mirrors, his friend yells “just go”.
his friend died and he hears a rumor that he was gay but he doesn’t believe, he holds a photo of him, it’s partially covered, when he fully uncover it, it turned to be with his pants down and next to an athlete with swimwear, he says “oh! my god, he was gay”.
I’m looking for two movies,i think one is a comedy remake of the first,
in the comedy remake the hero fights with another man on a bridge, they fight with sticks, they keep getting broken and smaller, then an african american one comes and says this is not the Mississippi river.
in a scene the movie shows a map of the world and the naval movement of the hero, he moves and crosses his destination then return to it.
in the not comedy one michael clarke duncan rides a boat with another one untill they get to shore, one tells the other i was stealing bread from you while you were praying.
I’m looking for a movie about dancing that has a mute girl.
in a scene she gets like sick, someone tries to check her, her brother says “That’s what every body says to touch a girl, i’m a doctor”.
In a scene which has a dance performance competition at the end they ask everyone for their names, the girl says hers in signs language.
I’m looking for a movie about a group of friends on an Aerial lift trapped by wolves.
one of them fell breaking his leg, the bones were visible, the wolves came and took or killed him.
I’m looking for a movie of Scott Glenn.
he roams with a Hispanic girl.
when they cross a checkpoint he makes a note about the guards’s rifles.
someone tells the hispanic girl “a bitch is a bitch”.
the girl gets a vision or a dream of she working in a circus then a gun shot is heard and she is smudged with blood.
I’m looking for a movie that has a girl from the stone age past gets to the modern time.
in a scene a man tries to communicate with her, asked her where is she from, she meant saying she’s hungry but the mean took it as she said she’s from Hungary.
I’m looking for a movie that has a football player who gets injured during a match, the coach advises him to take a steroid like needle but his friend warns him.
I’m looking for a movie that has An african american high school teen doubts his white girl friend, strangle her and shoot himself .
I’m looking for a movie that has Harvey Keitel.
in a scene two groups around a table suddenly get angry at each other, they fire and kill every one in the room except Harvey Keitel got under the table.
I’m looking for that movie about american troops who go to Columbia in a secret mission.
I watched it in 2007-2009.
in it when a soldier first appears the photo pauses and a name and description about him is written, one said loves cleavage.
in the operation a sniper was supporting his mates, enemy attacked him and he left his position, when they came to check on him, they didn’t found him, someone asked what was his last, one replied talked talking fire, the first said this means FUBAR.
I’m looking for that movie about boxing.
it has Sonny liston died of coke overdose, with his mustache and mouth covered by it.