Strange horror comedy

I only have a vague recollection of a scene from what I believe was a horror comedy from the late 80’s or early 90’s.

It was around 93-96 when I saw it, and the clearest memory i have is a large lady in a red leotard or swimsuit, heavily made up, singing “big girls don’t cry” near the end of the movie.

There were other creatures around her, and I think they may have been in a cemetery, or outside of an old house, because I have glimpses of a moon in the background… I also remember there was some nudity in the movie.

I’ve been searching for years to find the answer to this mystery, and am beginning to think I imagined it… Please help me, so I can stop wondering if I’m crazy!


4 thoughts on “Strange horror comedy

  1. I think I remember this one too – saw it as a double feature with something else as a child. The theater I was at always paired two similar types of movies – horror, action, comedy, etc. I’m sure it was some kind of dark comedy, as the other movie in the double feature was a lighter comedy and I remember feeling like it wasn’t a very good match up – even though I could tell it was supposed to be funny to adults, it had seemed more scary to me as a child.

    If I recall right, the large woman was singing because she’d been hoping to marry the male protagonist, who was being held captive by her crazy family, but he had escaped? Wish I could help more – the lady singing at the end was the most memorable part of the film for me, I guess. I think she was singing along with a record player…

    1. Sorry, I forgot to include – I don’t think it was House, if I am remembering the same film as was posted about.

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