I must’ve come across this within the last 10 years or so. I had a dream about it last night, and for the life of me I can’t remember what the show/movie/film/video was. I remembered so vividly in my dream, but it faded when I woke up…
I searched the web every way I could, but the search queries always took the main words I used and just ran in a different direction.
I don’t remember any specific actors, but for some odd reason I recall the internet personality TotalBiscuit talking about it. Either in a podcast with Jesse Cox or Dodger/DexBonus, or in one of his videos.
One one thing I remember (and I could be wrong about this) but it was a spoof/parody comedy with power rangers looking characters and there were 2 black rangers. It could’ve only been a segment in the film, or the film could’ve entirely been about these characters. I can really only remember this segment in my dream, as it was right when I woke up. There was definitely more to my dream though. So in this segment, there was a commercial that played the ninja turtle theme song but with different words. Imagine the tune of the old school “Teen-Age Mu-tant Nin-Ja Tur-Tles, Teen-Age Mu-Tant Nin-Ja Turtles, Turtles in a half-shell!” but for fake power rangers. At the end of the song they ended with “F*** the police!” and poses. For some reason it feel like it was playing on a tv being displayed behind the glass of a store front, and then after the commercial ended it went onto another scene of the film. Could be wrong.
I’m not sure if the commercial was just a short part of the film, or if throughout the film there were a bunch of commercials. I think the whole movie was just a big compilation of spoofs and comedic references.
It was in English, and in color. I think it was live action but not 100% sure. It was probably something I saw on the internet, not on TV.
My dream was so vivid, and it felt like something I was remembering, not something I was imagining right there at that moment. I was trying so hard to remember other scenes so I could try to jumpstart my memory and recall some name or even what the characters looked like. But I couldn’t get anything going, and figured my best bet would be to post on a forum somewhere so I could at least have a chance at having what I document relate to someone else.
If anyone would recall something like this, then at least I know it exists and I won’t forget it.
Please help me find the movie. I remember only one scene: an Asian mother communicates with her daughter (I think the daughter is a black girl). Mom is dressed like a teenager and behaves like a rapper teenager. Her daughter is ashamed of her mother.
This post is for answering ET’s question. Please start your own post by filling out the form here: https://irememberthismovie.com/what-was-that-movie/
well my first random shot at 4am, before i head off and try again tommorrow. is POWER/RANGERS UNAUTHORIZED [BOOTLEG UNIVERSE]. i see two black rangers at the start ..fighting robots? for like a quick seconds.. at 30 second/start of the movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw5vcUPyL90 if not ill try again later, peace!
oh and that title is copy and pasted as how it appears on youtube. am not yelling at anyone