Okay, I remember watching this (live-action) movie in the early 2000s, but it may have come from the ’90s. It was the Bible story of Sodom and… Gomorrah? Idk, the cities destroyed by fire raining down. In it, Lot and his family were escaping the cities, and were told not to look back. Lot’s wife couldn’t resist, saying something along the lines of, “They’re getting what they all deserve!!” And, of course, she turned into a pillar of salt. I distinctly remember Lot walking backwards to pluck the ring off her finger and continuing on with his family. This is my ONLY memory of the movie, lol. Anyone remember? I’ve asked my family, and they have no clue whatsoever.
“Noah’s Ark” (1999 TV mini-series)?
Yes, I think that’s it. Thank you!! 🙂
Thank you Allison.