Somebody knows a christmas movie with a scene of a Santas Claus (8 or 10 different characters) meeting or an assamble? Everyone seat on a throne in the winter wood… Noel, Santa Claus, Old Christmas and others, whats the movie?? (full color, last 10 years, english speak, I see on TV)
Rise of the Guardians
Thanks, dear Susan… but not is the movie!!! We go search…
Could it possibly be this? There’s a gathering of Immortals who meet to decide if Santa is worthy of also becoming an Immortal.
Thanks a Lot, Librarian… this is not the movie, but the 80s animations are so greats!!
Keep on search…
I forgot say that the movie is live action (no animation). In the meeting on the wood: Old Christmas (european character), American Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas of Bari (I supouse), anda others Noel characters of antique history to decides if the principal must go to mission (something these)