Retro SciFi Comedy (with alien invasion?)

So, the movie is from the 2000s (+/-) and looks like its made in the 60s. I remember it opening with a scene of a very manly man, typical stereotype for that era, looking through a telescope at night. His submissive wife can’t do any other than listening to his elaborate words and watch him smoke his pipe or something like that. She is doing the dishes or similar, he’s just busy being a man in the garden, impressing his wife with his elaborate words.

As they observe a space craft (or comet) going down the story starts to unfold and I can’t remember much more. Hope you nice people can help me find that film. Have a good one, cheers

8 thoughts on “Retro SciFi Comedy (with alien invasion?)

  1. Hi everyone,
    thanks for your efforts so far.

    I took a look at your suggestions and none of it is the one I am looking for. Thanks anyway, you did a great job. Special thanks for introducing me to “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra”, it looks fantastic yet it is not the one I am looking for.

    If I remember correctly the movie is in colour. The colour palette is tweaked to look like one of those early colour movies. The altogether look was old fashioned. BUT: it it definitely not a movie from the 40s – 90s!! It’s a retro SciFi movie. A satire, homage, whatever you wanna call it and I am still very certain it was made in the 2000s.

    Mars Attacks is going in the right direction, though I’m a 100% sure it is not Mars Attacks.

    Hope this helps and I’m looking forward for further suggestions.

    1. [SOLVED]

      I can’t believe it but I found it. Thanks to your suggestions I gave it another try myself, found a surprisingly well equipped trrnt Site with covers, good sort options and all that. And there it was:

      Alien Trespass 2009

      Legal copy is ordered and I’m happy happy happy.

      Cheers to everyone, have a good 2019

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