Hello. I remember watching an old movie on TCM. I think it was black and white. It was described as being a movie made up of B actors, but I’m not sure if I’m remembering that correctly. Anyway, from what I can remember, the movie stars a nurse (I think) that was kidnapped and set up in an opulent home/mansion. She was told she was the heirs wife (I think). She knows she’s not, but they’re trying to convince her she’s mad or has forgotten. There’s the “mother-in-law” that’s a part of the “they”. At one point, she tries to send a letter, and there was a tense scene of her trying to get the letter out of the home and sent. If anyone can tell me the title, I’d much appreciate it.
Most likely….
Thank you so much! This was driving me crazy trying to remember the name. I remember liking the movie and I wanted to see it again.
My Name is Julia Ross
Famous classic B.
Thank you so much! I really liked the movie when I watched it several years ago.
Solved! Mr. Unknown was in first, by one minute.