movie set in georgia

this movie was set in Georgia and has one woman who is constantly abused by her husband.  her group of supportive friends band together and eliminate her problem by killing him and disposing of his remains in a large pot of soup or chili that they feed to the town.  towards the end of he movie a scene shows the sheriff driving up to inquire about the missing man and the group of friends are all standing around the big pot of boiling soup stirring it innocently as they deny any knowledge of his whereabouts.

2 thoughts on “movie set in georgia

  1. It was set in Georgia, and here is just part of the plot summary from Wikipedia which might be the scene you remember.

    “Over time, many Whistle Stop residents eventually move away, bringing Ninny to the end of her story, but not before the revelation of what really happened to Frank. Sipsey killed him with a blow to the head with a heavy cast iron frying pan while trying to prevent him from kidnapping Buddy, Jr. Idgie got Big George to barbecue Frank’s body, which was later served to an investigator from Georgia searching for him. The investigator ate with gusto, proclaiming his meal the best pork barbecue he’d ever tasted.”

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