I read a brief write up of writer George Eliot’s life that prompted an old movie memory – but no luck finding the movie I’m thinking of based on her life.
It was a color movie, I must have seen it in the 90’s or 00’s, but it would have been set in late 1800’s or early 1900’s. Main character is a female author who moves into a boarding house and ends up finding work writing a serial for a newspaper under a male pen name. I believe she meets another writer (male) who she falls in love with and helps finish his novel?
I of course could be smashing up more than one movie into this memory.
That wouldn’t be Prof. Bhaer encouraging Jo March in the 1994 version of Little Women, would it?
How did I not remember that!?!? That’s totally right – thank you! No wonder I couldn’t find it….
I’m glad I could help!