Not sure how much of this I remember correctly. It’s a thriller about surveillance. It follows a man who works at a research station or similar, in a cold, snowy environment. His job involves looking at screens. He could be a scientist or even a spy.
He then somehow taps into a home security camera that shows a woman in imminent danger. There is a man (husband?) in the house, who terrorises her. The man at the station speaks to the woman through the screen, trying to help her, but of course, she can’t hear him. The film ends with the man walking out into the arctic blizzard, supposedly freezing to death.I assume he becomes obsessed with the woman and finally sets off in an attempt to find/save her.
The film is definitely from before 1995. It must be a lesser known film, but I am surprised I can’t find it, because the plot must have been considered original back then, when security cameras were not yet common
yep, stilll have that descripton from last time you asked it. no offense of course, just saying it anyone found it yet, its not me, 😛
This movie is found. it is “High frequency” (1988)
Marking “solved.”