So, I watched this movie about 10 years ago, it should be 90s or early 2000 movie. It is in English language, probably an american movie.
A woman gets a new coworker or something like that and soon she starts dreaming about him and one time she dreams about him carrying a rolled carpet with a dead girl in it. Next day she sees the same carpet in his car. She calls the police and they stop him, but the carpet hasn’t been used yet. I think this woman is single and she has a little daughter if I remember right.
Please help me, I really want to see this movie again.
Did you see the responses to when you posted this earlier?
This reminds me a lot of an episode of the TV show “Medium called “Coming Soon.” A psychic who works for the DA has visions of a man who she thinks has murdered a young woman, but he hasn’t actually done it yet.
Oops sorry I thought it hasn’t been posted.
Amazing, it is Medium. I always thought it was a movie. Thank you very much.