Hi.. I’m not sure what you can or can’t post but I’ll give it ago anyway here goes.. I watched this particular movie on tv I can’t remember the date but I’m sure it was from 1996 – 2001 era it was in color and it was British and the only scene I can remember is WARNING may be a-little tasteful for some readers. In this scene there was a teenage girl I would say around 17-18 and she is having sex with one of her younger male friends outside somewhere and while she was having sex she was saying “hurry up and cum I want a baby!” That’s basically all I can remember 🙁 it might have even been a made for TV movie? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Could be ” the good mothers guide( yet good has a line thru it& ‘ bad’ is written above it. I saw a part of a movie that sounds similar. Specifically, the girl wishing to be pregnant. It is a British movie also I believe. If I can find more, I’ll check backAtcha k? Hopefully this helps- ATleast someone else is now tryin to remember! Oh! There is a friend of the main girl who’s name I know! He was at the time very young and his name is Robert Pattinson!! INR?!