Hand Coming out of Computer

Roughly around 2005-2009 (very rough guess but I’m 17 and I was young at the time so my memory is not 100% clear), I was watching some show/movie on TV. There was a scene that kinda scared me, and it was about a hand coming out of a computer and killing people.

One scene featured a little girl on a MLP-esque website when the hand reached out at her. It was a CGI, blue hand that slow emerged from the screen and was trying to grab the girl. She freaked out and ran away, and told her mom about it, but the mom dismissed it and said that she shouldn’t go on the website anymore.

I also remember something about an older man dying from the hand. It came out of the screen and he was staring at it, the scene cut off and it showed the next day with a police investigation with his dead body.

What I saw was live-action, and I believe some crime movie because of the police investigation scene. I was rather young, so what I’m saying might not be 100% accurate, but I certainly do remember it.

If this helps more, I live in the U.S. and it was just on TV. I was just kind of in the room when it was playing, so I don’t know what channel it was on.

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