70s or 80s horror film possibly an anthology, possibly made in the US I saw this mid 80’s on TV when I was a kid…..the scenes I think are as follows.
A TV advert is being filmed, a woman is singing with a cabin style house in the background, when looking through the rushes they zoom in on a window which shows a pair of red eyes looking out, also I think the film has a scene with a car crash caused by the windshield turning red & the passengers come across shed or out building with rows of glass jars with possible body parts in them….
good luck guys
I think you are mixing movies together. The part with the glowing eyes and TV commercial with a woman singing describes Something Evil (1972).
“Circl of Fear” (1972-73 TV series)?
A.k.a. Ghost Story
Episode: Earth, Air, Fire and Water?
Sorry, meant to say Circle of Fear
the body parts is jars sounds like a scene from Unhinged (1982)
At the twenty minute mark is the scene where they are filming the lady singing in front of the barn.
Hi ,
I’ve been searching a lot in the internet about a movie I’ve seen long time a go (probably 10 years ago) but I couldn’t find a source could you help me !
The movie starts with a boy and his pregnant mother on a cruise , then the mother gives birth to a baby girl and dies the next day on the ship due to bleeding and her body was thrown into the sea , after that the boy and girl grew up and developed kind of feelings for each other that’s what I remember hope you could help me I’ll appreciate it a lot.
(PS I probably think it was a foreign movie may be French or something not sure )
This post is for answering Dave’s movie question. Please start your own post using this link:https://irememberthismovie.com/what-was-that-movie
(Sorry, looks like you just did: anyone who thinks they know the answer to Sarah’s question please respond here: https://irememberthismovie.com/help-me-to-remember-this-movies-name/)
Ok thank you