Hi. I saw this movie in the 90’s, but it’s probably a 70’s or 80’s American science fiction film, in colour. It had a young woman who was an alien, dropped on earth by a space ship. She falls in love with this teenage guy. She has mind-reading abilities, can get into the head of an eagle and see from its perspective etc. She also has this weird 3 legged creature with her, that can kind of stretch all 3 legs and then roll like a wheel at very high speed. Can anyone tell me what this film was?
Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star
Click on the link below to watch the trailer.
This is the movie I was just asking about! Thanks!!
Thanks mike.
OK, sort of solved. This confirmation is actually from the person who asked about this one: http://irememberthismovie.com/this-movie-will-stump-you/