Can only remember one Scene. Please Help!!

I remember my dad flipping through the channels on cable tv and him stumbling upon the weirdest movie Ive ever seen (well scene of a movie). Unfortunately I only saw one scene of the movie before my dad changed the channel but it was enough to traumatize me for years after. This was in the late nineties when I saw it although I have no idea when the movie actually came out. All I remember is it was an animated movie and I believe it was a silent film or at least the scene was silent. All I remember is this girl who walks into this dark room, turns on the light, and finds a room filled with children all missing their eyes. I believe there was some type of man that was stealing children’s eyes and was trying to steal the little girls eyes as well. Unfortunately that is the only thing I remember about the movie. I have searched for years on google and have never been able to find the movie but I’d love to see it again to see if it is really as scary as I remember since I was a child when  saw it. If anyone has any idea on what this scene could be from please tell me. Thnx!

2 thoughts on “Can only remember one Scene. Please Help!!

  1. My friends made a film that went on to be a Leinster cult classic. It’s called The Sandman. A little boy is haunted my a bird-like monster that steals eyes. There is no dialogue, just music and found effects. There is a mini scene just after the credits where there are lots of characters all with their eyes missing. Here is a link to the film.

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