Blond girl with son, affair with boss, early 2000s

Saw this movie (or is it a TV episode?) on TV in early 2000s. The channel belonged to Mnet. In the beginning a dude and his probably an Asian or a brunette girlfriend get separated. He probably leaves town. Somehow he finds a blond girl who reminds me of Vanessa Carlton. She has a kid whom this guy gets friendly with slowly. The blonde girl has an affair with her boss who I believe is a popular movie actor (in real life). She doesn’t go to work one day & he calls her & she hangs up. He calls her again and shouts, “You’re fired!” & she replies with “Good” But this is done more in a funny way & not serious. The girl is worried about her son. She  comes to talk to the guy living with her, about it. He says, something like, “You want me to leave? Fine I’ll/I’d leave.” and increases the volume to the TV. So the next day poor guy finally leaves. They are at this bus station & she is worried about him & says something like, “What the hell is going to happen to you?” And is on the verge of tears. He assures her saying something like, ” <Her Name>, I would be ok.” And leaves in the bus.
I’ve tried searching with dialogues in Google but can’t find it yet. Maybe I’ll find it but if anyone remembers this & lets me know, I’d be thank full.

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