All posts by NOWA246

kids in the forest eating chocolate and turning into wood animals

Hi thanks for helping! trying my luck again

saw this on tv as a kid, year 2000’s. guess it was american but actually no clue if it wasnt. in color. possibly a TV show/ made to TV movie

I watched this movie as a child, only remebering this scene (maybe cus I skip channels cus this scene is pretty damn scary!)
I remember watching a group of kids going into the woods, there is one protagonist and I think a friend of his, but the rest of the kids find a chocolate bar (from a tree??) and starts to eat it. then they transform into forest animals (each a different one- rabbit, fox…) it was really scary as a kid.

the forest was dark. I remember feeling very scared as the scene goes on, as if something is terribly wrong but you dont know what until later on.

pretty sure it was 90’s, cus they were using animal costumes and not computer generated cgi.

I think after this the animals starts a feast?  finding maybe a festival of some sorts? full of forest animals. but cant remember if I mixed up this into with somehting else.

thanks so much for whoever finds this movie! ive been fascinated with this for years but couldnt find anything!
also my twin sister remembers the exact same scene but niether of us managed to find it.


I found the storyteller show – it looks a lot like the feel and art directionqbudget, but i havent found any episode with this storyline.

defenitly not:
“The Witches” (1990)
any classic childern movie. it was dark and realistic fantasy

kids in the forest eating chocolate and turning into wood animals

Hi there! trying my luck again.. thanks for any help!

SO I saw this on tv as a kid, the year 2000s. guess it was American but actually no clue if it wasn’t. in color. I watched this movie as a child, only remembering this scene (maybe cus I skip channels cus this scene is pretty damn scary!).

I remember watching a group of kids going into the woods, there is one protagonist and I think a friend of his, but the rest of the kids find a chocolate bar (from a tree??) and starts to eat it. then they transform into forest animals (each a different one- rabbit, fox…) it was really scary as a kid.

I remember feeling very scared as the scene goes on, as if something is terribly wrong but you don’t know what until later on. the forest was dark, and the film appeared to be a”magic realism” genre. Pretty sure it was 90’s, cus they were using animal costumes and not computer-generated CGI. sort of like “Pans Labyrinth” meeting Lynch’s “Rabbits”.

I think after this the animals start a feast?  finding maybe a festival of some sorts? full of forest animals. but can’t remember if I mixed up this into with something else.

thanks so much for whoever finds this movie! I’ve been fascinated with this for years but couldn’t find anything!
also, my twin sister remembers the exact same scene but neither of us managed to find it.


after much research, it’s not the witches, not goosebumps (or any famous scary tv for kids..). the memory feels rather fantasy and mystical

kids in the forest eating chocolate and turning into wood animals

Hi there! trying my luck again.. thanks for any help!

SO I saw this on tv as a kid, year 2000’s. guess it was american but actually no clue if it wasnt. in color

I watched this movie as a child, only remebering this scene (maybe cus I skip channels cus this scene is pretty damn scary!)
I remember watching a group of kids going into the woods, there is one protagonist and I think a friend of his, but the rest of the kids find a chocolate bar (from a tree??) and starts to eat it. then they transform into forest animals (each a different one- rabbit, fox…) it was really scary as a kid.

the forest was dark.

I remember feeling very scared as the scene goes on, as if something is terribly wrong but you dont know what until later on.

pretty sure it was 90’s, cus they were using animal costumes and not computer generated cgi.

I think after this the animals starts a feast?  finding maybe a festival of some sorts? full of forest animals. but cant remember if I mixed up this into with somehting else.

thanks so much for whoever finds this movie! ive been fascinated with this for years but couldnt find anything!
also my twin sister remembers the exact same scene but niether of us managed to find it.


after much research, it’s not the witches, not goosebumps (or any famous scary tv for kids..). the memory feels rather fantasy and mystic

kids in the forest eating chocolate and turning into wood animals

Hi thanks for helping!

saw this on tv as a kid, year 2000’s. guess it was american but actually no clue if it wasnt. in color

I watched this movie as a child, only remebering this scene (maybe cus I skip channels cus this scene is pretty damn scary!)
I remember watching a group of kids going into the woods, there is one protagonist and I think a friend of his, but the rest of the kids find a chocolate bar (from a tree??) and starts to eat it. then they transform into forest animals (each a different one- rabbit, fox…) it was really scary as a kid.

the forest was dark.

I remember feeling very scared as the scene goes on, as if something is terribly wrong but you dont know what until later on.

pretty sure it was 90’s, cus they were using animal costumes and not computer generated cgi.

I think after this the animals starts a feast?  finding maybe a festival of some sorts? full of forest animals. but cant remember if I mixed up this into with somehting else.

thanks so much for whoever finds this movie! ive been fascinated with this for years but couldnt find anything!
also my twin sister remembers the exact same scene but niether of us managed to find it.