There’s this movie I’ve briefly seen twice, first back in 2003 or so and then again more recently. Probably on TCM both times. There’s only one scene I remember, which I think is at the beginning of it. There’s a street parade in a city, and they shoot a cannon which frightens a newborn baby in a hospital room overlooking the parade. When I saw it not too long ago that image seemed vaguely familiar, but I can’t remember the name of the film. I also don’t remember whether or not it was in color.
All posts by kinkisharyo95
Movie with a NYC subway scene
There was some old movie I once saw a scene of, maybe it was on TCM. All I remember (I am a train buff after all) was one scene where people were talking about getting on the subway in New York at 14th Street for one stop to West 4th Street, and then transferring. Then you saw them actually get on the train. Any help would be great. I do not remember if it was in color, but there is a good chance it was B&W since it was old.
Some vague scene I recall from seeing back in school
There was a movie I saw in school (only part of it) back in 2003 but there is only one scene I remember, and even that is kinda murky. There were two kids who were scrambling to find something (don’t remember exactly what it was, but somehow or another involved angel’s wings) that they only had an hour for, and found it right in time. They were searching for it all in one room, maybe it was a study room of a large house (I think they were a wealthy family). And of course, there were many close-ups of the clock as time ran out. And adults (likely their parents) dropped in a few times to give warnings, I think one may have been the exact phrase “fifteen minutes remaining.”
I realize this is a very obscure description and probably I’m not remembering some parts correctly. It was in color, but probably a classic movie.