All posts by celestehopes

Movie with children home alone + peephole!

I remember this movie from the early 1990s but I don’t know the exact year of production. It involved siblings who, for some reasons, were left home alone and were specifically told by their parents(s) that they should not open the door to anyone. Then,  a woman visit. The only thing I remember is that the kids discussed whether to open the door or not and kept looking at the lady from the peephole. For some reason, the movie was scary to me back then, although it was not a typical scary movie at all.

Elderly Man Makes a Gesture Before Killing People

This movie was aired on TV about 14 years ago. I don’t know the original language of the movie.

An elderly man lived in an apartment building. He happened to have some irritating neighbors who either made too much noise or somehow irritated him. He decided to kill them and each time he made his decision, he made this weird gesture: he put two fingers on his lips — a gesutre which probably meants he was thinking, contemplating the way he’d kill them.

Then there is this detective who is after him and finally proves he’s the murderer, but eventually is killed by him as well.