Asian love story, they meet at a tree in the end

I remember a movie I watched in 2017 that was already, I would guess, at least ten years old at that time. I don’t remember what language they were speaking and therefore don’t remember the setting either. In fact, all that I CAN remember is that there was a tree significant to the story. They meet at the tree in a rather ethereal scene in the end. The movie was shown to me by someone who considered it a favorite. I don’t know that person anymore and I only remember enjoying the movie so I’d like to rewatch and see if I still feel the same.
Someone already offered a guess of a kdrama series but that wasn’t it because it was definitely a movie, though it could’ve been a Korean movie. Someone also guessed My Sassy Girl but that wasn’t it either—obviously my memory is a sieve but I feel confident it wasn’t a romcom.

5 thoughts on “Asian love story, they meet at a tree in the end

    1. Thank you for taking the time to guess despite so little information being provided in my post. These were not the answer

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