Asian love story, they meet at a tree in the end

I remember a movie I watched in 2017 that was already, I would guess, at least ten years old at that time. I don’t remember what language they were speaking and therefore don’t remember the setting either. In fact, all that I CAN remember is that there was a tree significant to the story. They meet at the tree in a rather ethereal scene in the end. The movie was shown to me by someone who considered it a favorite. I don’t know that person anymore and I only remember enjoying the movie so I’d like to rewatch and see if I still feel the same.
Someone already offered a guess of a kdrama series but that wasn’t it because it was definitely a movie, though it could’ve been a Korean movie. Someone also guessed My Sassy Girl but that wasn’t it either—obviously my memory is a sieve but I feel confident it wasn’t a romcom.

6 thoughts on “Asian love story, they meet at a tree in the end

    1. Thank you for taking the time to guess despite so little information being provided in my post. These were not the answer

  1. Did you ever figure this out? I have the same memory of a movie I watched in college so it would have been 2004-2008, so maybe it would have been from the 90s. All I remember is the cherry blossom scene at the end and I’ve wanted to rewatch it since.

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