80s or 90s European film: a woman chef makes amazing multi-course dinner for humble neighbors?

I think it’s a European film, not in English.  Color, some time around 80s or early 90s.  The scene I remember:  dark interior shots of maybe a country cottage; she’s back and forth between cooking in the old kitchen and serving in the dining room.  The people at the table are older, and they’re humble people totally unaccustomed to great food/fine dining.  Every course is blowing them away, but they’re reserved people, so they’re not showing it much except in these cute glances they share among each other.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

7 thoughts on “80s or 90s European film: a woman chef makes amazing multi-course dinner for humble neighbors?

  1. Might be This House Possessed (1981), a TV movie. It does have a scene like that. The movie it is in YouTube.

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