An alien family who landed on earth and rented/lived in the ghetto with this black dude. The alien daughter and the guy fall in love. There were parts where the aliens parents killed homeless people and ate them and feed them to the black guy as well.

An alien family who landed on earth and rented/lived in the ghetto with this black dude. The alien daughter and the black guy fall in love. There were parts where the aliens killed homeless people and ate them and feed them to the black guy as well. There were scenes where the wife (I think) opens her purse and a flash of light comes out and that can kill people. At the end, the girl and guy leave together in a ship and the parents go to jail/prison.

Another part I remember is the black guy goes on a date with the daughter and at some point he brings her back to the house to sleep with her. The alien parents are listening at the door and laughing and saying he wont be finding her g spot because she doesn’t have one. The year of the movie was probably between 1980 and 2000. It was in English and in color. It was definitely a movie and not a TV show.

5 thoughts on “An alien family who landed on earth and rented/lived in the ghetto with this black dude. The alien daughter and the guy fall in love. There were parts where the aliens parents killed homeless people and ate them and feed them to the black guy as well.

  1. That’s it! Thank you manwithpetgull.

    After no one replied. I gave up trying to find it. I wasn’t even going to check back here to see if someone answered it. I’m buying this movie right now. How did you find it? I spent many hours on google and nothing. Thanks again. 🙂

      1. Thanks for the info but I found that out when I went looking to buy the first one. Too bad it’s only on vhs tape.

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