Weird Scifi Horror/thriller maybe drama?

hey just looking for some help trying to figure out the name of this movie, i used to see the trailer in some of the movies i was watching as a kid in the late 90’s to maybe 2000 or later, I’ve scrolled through movies of those years but cant find it, anyways all i can remember is it was a movie about kids maybe college aged who join a secret group and gain powers, in the preview they’re timing each other with a stop watch while swimming at a lake and the one who has powers is able to stay under water for a very long time. other than the supernatural powers and staying underwater i can’t remember any other details but i would remember it if i saw the trailer again,



12 thoughts on “Weird Scifi Horror/thriller maybe drama?

    1. nope ive seen it but not the movie im talking about this movie was earlier im thinking it was definitely 90’s not 2000

    1. just watched this movie, not the movie im trying to find, but a decent B movie with some unintentionally funny dialogue

    1. thanks but still not the movie i’m looking for, but seems like an interesting movie i’ll check it out regardless

  1. Well, that took a while but I’m happy to mark it solved and to congratulate lemonnab on their first Solve.

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