I once saw a scene from a rather mainstream movie, in which there was a newlywed couple having sex during their wedding reception. It was rather some kind of “hate-sex” as the groom accused the bride of cheating, if I remember correctly. I remember also that the intercourse took place near the wedding cake and the couple got somewhat dirty from it. Also, they did it in front of shocked / disgusted guests.
I can’t recall the movie language, I think it’s English, but I am not 100% sure. It is at least 5 years old (and in colour, of course).
Could it Be “Wedding Crashers”
No, unfortunately, it’s not.
“Wild Tales”? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3011894/
Yes, I guess this is it.
It’s impressive that you have guessed it correctly, even with some (as it turnes out) false info I had provided.
Solved! Thanks Me!