There was a special that used to play on TV in the 80’s, I would look forward to seeing it every year at christmas.. The ‘bad guy’ was an alien ‘birdman’ he had a human head, and was dressed all in black feathers like a robe. He had a spaceship full of his eggs, but he needed to keep the eggs warm so they would hatch. He developed a machine that would steal all the humans hair on earth. Once it was activated, it switched to shots of people standing, and their hair lifting right up, and off camera, leaving them bald. The human hair was packed around the eggs as insulation, and the ‘good guys’ saw this when they went on the spaceship. When the good guys save the day, they shut down the hair stealing device, and the hair falls back onto the people’s heads.
I remember this movie too. My brother and I refer to it as hawkhead, although when I try to search for it I come up empty handed. Have you had any luck finding the title? It was the first show/movie I saw that scared the life out of me. I would love to watch it again now!
I found it:
I’m glad you found it, Caitlin. It’s been almost a year so I bet the original asker has given up by now, but maybe someday he or she will see this.