SciFi Extraterrestrial life form movie 1990s or early 2000s, in underground facility, blue shape shifting ooze

Saw it in approx. 2005. On DVD. In color. Probably from the 1990s or early 2000s

SciFi extraterrestrial life form movie that takes place mostly in an underground facility where they either created or discover the life form. A team gets sent in to figure out what is going wrong down there and the life form has killed a lot of people. The life form looks like blue ooze sometimes, but can shape shift and possess people. In the end they realize they have to completely destroy the facility or else humanity will be screwed. The two main characters (a couple I think) escape and the place is nuked. The ending was very weird because they saw a doctor and he said some questionable things to them. Also, I think the last scene was of some blue ooze coming out of the destroyed facility into a stream of water.

I believe the movie is not well known because I’ve been wondering about the title of it for a while and have not seen anything resembling this plot on the internet anywhere.

10 thoughts on “SciFi Extraterrestrial life form movie 1990s or early 2000s, in underground facility, blue shape shifting ooze

  1. Thanks for the guesses y’all, but neither of those are it. The movie was definitely not a comedy, it was more like an action/horror sci-fi film. Again, I think the natural form of the alien was as blue-ish ooze even though it took on many different forms throughout the film

  2. Not Phantoms either. The two main characters were trained agents, not just civilians I think. Plus I remember the alien was this blue ooze in its unmorphed state.

    1. That does look like the same virus. But I still don’t know what movie it would’ve been in, because all the instances where the virus appeared in the x-files episodes don’t match what I remember from the movie I saw.

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