psychological thriller about kidnapped woman

its about a man who kidnaps people ( I think the plot is about one kidnapped woman, but at the end it turns out that there is more victims ),first tying them to a tree for a while, bringing them food and then burying them alive, leaving just a pipe they can breath through.
I was convinced that the name of the movie is Fallen/Forgotten Angels and that it has Angels on its cover, but now Im not anymore sure.
I think the last scene of the movie shows this place with lot of these pipes.. looks like graveyard.
I just spent 4 hours with my sister and friend searching for it.. but nothing 🙁

6 thoughts on “psychological thriller about kidnapped woman

  1. No, I’ve watched A lonely place to die, but it’s not that movie. Neither it is Oxygen and Vanished, I think his particular movie was filmed after 2000 at least, it’s not that old.

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