Movie about a pioneer family that helps save their town and the nearby Native American tribe from destroying each other

I remember watching this movie as a child in the late 90s, early 2000s. I’m not sure how old it was, but I owned the movie on VHS. It was in color and the actors all spoke English.

The movie is about a family on the frontier back in the 19th century. It’s two parents, a young girl (who always has her hair in braids), and a young boy, and then also this older girl who is their cousin that comes to live with them I think from the city or something. I remember a scene where the older girl goes to collect eggs from the henhouse and the younger girl teases her by cracking eggs down her dress.

They all go to school in a one roomed schoolhouse in town. There are these three poor boys who go to school with them whose dad is a drunk and whose mom is a Native American, which makes the whole town hate them. They are so poor they can’t afford shoes, but at some point in the movie the young girl spends some of her money in order to buy shoes for them.

The older girl ends up settling into the routine of town and falls in love with one of the boys from town. The boy gets sick and ends up dying, but he leaves her a music box to remember him by.

At one point the girls are out in the woods and they get kidnapped by the nearby Native Americans and rowed across this pond or river to their camp. They are spared because the father of the family does business with the NAs, selling them guns and ammunition for hunting.

At one point the NAs decide to attack the town for whatever reason, but they agree to spare the one family they like. So the entire town rushes to that family’s house (including the three poor boys, which causes a bit of a fuss) while the men and older boys go out to fight. I believe the young girl somehow gets caught in the scuffle.

Beyond all of that I don’t remember much, but I have been trying to figure out what this movie is called for years because I remember loving it as a kid. Thanks for your help!

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