In this movie some guy dates with different girls but finds some flaw in each of them and breaks up with them because of that.
I remember only one scene clearly – when this guy wakes up in the morning in one bed with yet another girl and he sees her toes nails and they are not perfect. And he is so disappointed once again and he has to break up with her despite she is beautiful and clever.
This film’s approximate year is 2006.
Boomerang, starring Eddie Murphy?
Wow man! It seems like thats it. Thought it was much later than 1992 cause as far as i can remember I watched it in 2000th and its weird i cant remember Merphy there. Will watch to make sure. Great thanks anyway!
Please report back when you verify.
Ok. That’s the one. Many thanks!
this one not marked as solved
Thanks for catching that, funkbob, and congrats on the Solve Shortdeckplayer!