Man/woman having sex, attacked by alien tentacles?

I think I saw this film in the late 80s or maybe early 90s, I know nothing of it other than this one scene but it’s pretty obviously science fiction from what I remember.

I’m pretty sure a man and a woman are about to have sex, I can remember the woman having curly black hair kind of like Ellen Ripley’s from Alien, I think she was wearing sort of hospital attire, so maybe she’s in a medical lab or bay of some sort?  They engage in foreplay, the man rips her bra apart from the front and leans in, but then gets attacked/grabbed by some alien/parasite with tentacles that was either obscured from view or hidden inside her stomach.  I’m sure it grabs him and pulls him closer to her and then kills him.

Maybe one of you can get this easily, maybe such a film doesn’t exist and I just dreamt the whole thing.

5 thoughts on “Man/woman having sex, attacked by alien tentacles?

  1. Maybe The Kindred? That’s from 1987 but I can’t remember if a scene like that happens in the movie as I haven’t seen it in a long time.

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