I am looking for the title of a black-and-white movie I saw in the 60s about kids in heaven, waiting to be born. They would get on a boat and sail away when it was their time there was a couple of teenagers that ended up being born in a hospital right next to each other.
Your answer is probably somewhere in this thread: https://irememberthismovie.com/movie-about-being-in-heaven-before-being-born/
Most likely candidates are The Bluebird (1940) or the 1976 remake of ‘The Blue Bird’.
This movie is black & white. Takes place in a city like New York. It is not The Bluebird. It is made in the 40s or early 50’s. It has lesser known starts that Shirley Temple. That’s why it hard to determine the movie as it is lesser known.
I don’t remember the boat, but I remember the elevator being in the movie.
Oh, is rmbrnam a different person from Jeanette? And asking for a separate movie? That does sound more like For Heaven’s Sake, the other more like Blue Bird, but if it is a different request is in the wrong place.
rmbrnam is a different person. The same thing happened with the thread I linked at the beginning, a bunch of people jumped in and started asking their own questions about movies that may or may not have been the same movie, making it very confusing. Unless you are absolutely sure you are helping the original poster find their own movie, please start your own post here: https://irememberthismovie.com/what-was-that-movie/
Could it be For Heaven’s Sake (1950)? It is set in New York. It is on YouTube. It is just a boy and girl and it is never in heaven. They are waiting to be born to a different set of parents, but the adults are not ready for children. The focus is on the girl. Her angel tries to get the parents she wants to get going with it. You can watch it on YouTube.
This it!?