Early 90s sci fi/western movie, group of guys used a mirror that was a portal

It was on hbo/cinemax all the time in the mid 90s. It was not a big box office movie,  it was a cheesy b movie.

All I remember was something about a mirror that was actually a portal to another dimension, and it took you to a wild west town except the bad guys were heavily sci fi. I remember one bad guy had an metal arm like the winter soldier from Captain America.

All I really remember was the nerd of the group. He wussed out and took the mirror back home,  then had to get the balls to go back and save his friends and he did, also getting the girl too.


It was a sci fi/western movie,  my friends all remember it, but we don’t remember the title or any actors that were in it. The acting was cheesey, the costumes for the bad guys were pretty standard for a b movie.

Ive looked up every sci f western movie made in the 90s and cant find this.  Anyone know what it was?




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