UPDATE 3 (8/26/2015): Everything seems to be back to normal, please tell me if you find any additional bugs. Sorry for the partial downtime.
Hello, commenting seems to be temporarily broken since the latest WordPress update. I am very sorry for the interruption and I’ll try to see what can be done. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: Seems to be fixed now. However, the ability to make new posts is gone. It will be several hours from now (10 PM U.S. EST) until I am able to spend time re-installing WordPress.
UPDATE 2 (8/21/2015): It’s going to be awhile. Re-installation did not fix the problem. The site may stay unusable for the weekend (you can still comment).
Also, my antispam program has been broken in the update, so you may see a lot of spam; I have to manually remove it every now and then. Sorry! Hope I’ll have time to work on this over the weekend.
Seems to be fixed now.
cant leave a post. There is a blank space where a post form should be.
Yes, that’s a separate issue from the comments issue. I’m afraid it will have to wait until morning to be fixed.
Still cant seem to post a movie memory.
Yes, it’s still broken. I am waiting to hear back from the web host. Stay tuned.
Whats your movie memory salazar?
He posted it here: http://irememberthismovie.com/endless-chat/comment-page-2/#comment-6327. I prefer people not use the chat thread for movie questions but in this case it’s appropriate until the site is fixed.
Cool, thanks!
I was able to comment successfully on one post with an answer. Then when I tried to comment on another post, the comment does not show up. I have tried multiple times and still nothing. I hope this posts.
I’m not sure what to tell you. This particular problem has been fixed for more than six months now. Do you receive an error message?