Comedy documentary about friends who make up movie one scene at a time

I’ve now spent 2 days trying to find a movie I saw over a year ago and I’m growing increasingly frustrated.  Here’s what I remember about it:

It was partly a documentary, partly a fiction film.  Basically, the plot was about a bunch of friends from college (who started their own sketch comedy group) wanted to create a movie with several guidelines: the main one being that each person would write the next scene in a movie without knowing what comes before or after that point, but only keeping the same characters, etc.  Sort of like that game you play where each person tells the next part of the story.  At which point, the actual story would then be reenacted with actors.  I have no idea what this movie was called, but it came out around 2012-2014 and Google is ZERO help.  Please help me!

5 thoughts on “Comedy documentary about friends who make up movie one scene at a time

  1. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Definitely bookmarking this site for next time my memory inexorably fails me.

  2. Good one, GG. I think “greatest human being who has ever lived” may be a bit much but you’re clearly in the top 10.

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